SAVE THE DATE! West Elm DUMBO – The Workshop



YouAreFirstto know about our FIRST EVER VeruDesigns HANDS-ON WORKSHOP!!!!!! (I’m sooooooooo excited!).   


  • So first, make sure to SAVE THE DATE SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 14, 2013 from 10am to 1pm (It’s NO coincidence that it’s happening on the same week of FASHION WEEK in NYC!).

  • Second, write down our awesome location:  We are being hosted by WEST ELM DUMBO,  one of West Elm’s most beautiful stores AND home to their corporate offices here in the US!  Right across from lower Manhattan in Brooklyn NY.


  • Third, stay tuned, as we’ll be announcing within the next few days the remaining (awesome!) details included in the event as we open our workshop for REGISTRATION!  (no worries, you’ll be the first to know when that happens!!).

West Elm DUMBO – 75 Front St, New York, NY 11201

To learn more about West Elm Dumbo, follow them on Instagram (by clicking here) or facebook ( here!)


A few more things about this workshop:


1. LEVEL (Expertise Required)

This workshop is designed for BEGINNER to INTERMEDIATE level polymer clay fans. So, even if you’ve NEVER worked with Polymer Clay before, this course will not only teach you the basics, but you will leave with more hands-on experience and knowledge than most other beginner courses out there.

NOTE: The workshop and techniques were specifically adjusted and designed to accommodate the limitations we have time-wise.  The construction of the bead/shard was engineered so that it requires tools that are small and light, and to ensure that the completion can be accomplished within approximately 2-hours.



We will make together one of these 3 WEST ELM INSPIRED PENDANTS.

The class will consist of 3 Parts:

  1. Part 1: Creating the bead “pattern” –> Demo followed by execution (with my help).
  2. Part 2: Adding the “back” of the bead –> Demo followed by execution (with my help).
  3. Part 3: Baking the bead (toaster oven), and finishing it.



Among many “otheramazing surprises and take-aways to be disclosed next week, these are some of the basic tools and materials that you will be provided to create your limited-edition jewelry pendant:




Because we’re having to purchase your materials ahead of time, and because our space (even though BEAUTIFUL) is also limited, we have limited seating.

So make sure to stay tuned as we’ll be announcing the remaining details of the event as we open our workshop for registration!


Got questions or comments? Ask me! Share with me!

I LOVE to read your thoughts and opinions through the “comments” section below.  Also, SHARE THE LOVE!! If you think a friend or a loved one would enjoy our EXCLUSIVE CLASS, then let them know by sharing this post through any of the “sharing” buttons below.

I’m very excited!

Much, much love,

– Veruschka

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