Make 2014 your best year yet!


Even though we are 3 months away from 2014, and there is still much to be enjoyed this year, I’ve learned that when I plan ahead, the likelihood of experiencing new and wonderful things with VeruDesigns, and in my personal life, is much, much higher than when I leave it up to “luck” or circumstances.  It may seem early to begin planning, but as last year (2012) taught me tha hard way, once we get close to Halloween, the year-end holiday activities take over not just in terms of what we do as a business, but in our personal lives as well.


And so, just like most large companies do their “budgeting and planning” for the following year around this time of the year, we (here at VeruDesigns) will be spending the next 2 weeks imagining what we want our 2014 to be like, how VeruDesigns can become more meaningful, more of service to you, more beautiful, more unique, more worthy of your time, MORE.


So, during the next 2 weeks we will be absent from your e-mail so that we can focus purely in dreaming up our 2014.   The J.CREW inspired bead you see above, is part of our 2014 dreams and plans that I hope to share with you as they begin to unfold.


If this idea of helping shape your 2014 resonates with you, I’d love for you to join me (in spirit) imagining your own personal 2014:


  1. What are the 3 main desires/dreams you’d like to do/accomplish/experience next year? (a new skill? taking a long-delayed trip to a specific place? Starting your own creative/artistic endeavor? . There are NO RULES! Let your heart dictate your answers).
  2. Think of 3 simple and do-able steps for each of your 3 desires that will put them in motion, AND that you can commit to begin executing on as early as January 2014.


Take it one step further by sharing some of your desires/dreams with me in the comments section below.  There is POWER in  writing down our dreams, but even more so when we share them with like-minded women who have the same fears, vulnerabilities but also desires to make our lives a little more wonderful every year. There is no judgement, just love.


Enjoy this wonderful time of the year!
Much love to you,

– Veruschka

President & Founder

VeruDesigns, LLC

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