
If you’ve been reflecting about your 2013 and have been feeling AMAZING about it, then please, PLEASE allow me to JOIN YOU and celebrate with you, for there is no one in the world who deserves MORE all the good, all the fun, the love, the good times, the abundance, the wonderful health, the incredible times you’ve just lived…I mean this from the bottom of heart, for we are all born deserving of love and happiness.  Thank you for being who you are and for allowing me to be connected to you in this small way 🙂


But if by any chance feeling peace and appreciation about 2013 doesn’t come naturally, then this love letter is for YOU.


You see, I was starting to write this final newsletter to you, reminiscing about this awesome 2013.   And as I began to think about how and what unfolded in 2013 for VeruDesigns I realized that somehow this genuinely happy and warm feeling of deep appreciation for all the blessings I’ve had, turned all of the sudden into full-blown judgement about things that I “should’ve” thought of and accomplished this year but didn’t, in, like 5 short minutes. “WOW!!”…I thought to myself “How did this just happen?!” How did I go from thankful and happy go-lucky to almost upset and disappointed about this amazing year?!?!


And as I contemplated what had just happened inside me,  I “heard” it again: It’s called automated negative SELF-TALK. The silent, automatic, dialogue that happens in your head about those subjects you care the most deeply about when your Soul is not participating in it.


Self-talk happens ALL THE TIME. It defines how we feel every second of our day and decides the ACTIONS we take every minute of our life, and ultimately how we see our life and the world.  Sometimes it’s a dialogue that happens with actual “words”. Other times it’s a bunch of memories/images that cross our mind.
If our self-talk came always from a place of love, understanding, empathy, appreciation and BELIEF…in other words from our Soul, then man oh my!! We’d be golden!    But according to the Association of Psychological Science, over 95% of the time we don’t realize we’re having this inner dialogue, and even worse, most people’s self-talk is driven by fear, judgement, anger and disempowerment. And we simply FEEL the effects of that. When negativism drives our self-talk, the dialogue goes like: “That wasn’t good enough!”, “you didn’t accomplish what you said you would”, “those people are the worst!”, “Why do bad things happen all the time?!”, “life is so unfair!”, “I have bad luck”, “this will never happen for me”. Or, it will simply hand pick those memories that match negative feelings and IGNORE the many AWESOME memories you DO have about what you’re contemplating.


As 2013 is saying its good-byes to us and we get ready to welcome the new year, please, PLEASE make sure to take the helm of your SELF TALK. Don’t let negativism decide what you choose to highlight and how to DEFINE this wonderful, one-of-a-kind year that we’ll never have back.


Please be kind to yourself.

Choose to remember moments of love over fear. Choose to remember moments of strength over weakness. Choose to remember moments of forgiveness over anger. Choose to remember moments of LAUGH and wonder and joy over boredom, sadness and judgement.


As for me and VeruDesigns this has been my first full fiscal year as my FULL-TIME business. Yes, you 2013.


It’s been an awesome one for many reasons. The journey to feeling comfortable in my skin as an Artist truly began to flourish this year and continues to this day. Random conversations with strangers went from:

  • Stranger: “So, what do you do for a living?”.
  • Me: “Well, I’m kind of starting a Jewelry Design Business….”


  • Me: “I’m an Artist and President of my Company and I make exquisite jewelry that make woman feel as amazing as they really are”.


I’m so grateful for the people that i’ve worked with, the projects that were dreamed up and executed, the friendships that were made, and the new cities VeruDesigns visited. Thank you for supporting VeruDesigns this year, it means the world to me.
2014 comes with 4 BIG and bold projects and partnerships that I can’t wait to share with you as they begin to unfold.
I’m ready for you 2014! With laughs, growth, tears, excitement, surprise and the expansion that I know you’ll bring into VeruDesigns and my Soul.


What are you choosing to remember about 2013?


May 2014 be the best year for you as well, my dear friend.

Merry Christmas and happy holidays to us all!

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