KILYA – Necklace


“MAMA KILYA” is the Incan Goddess of the Moon. Protector of all women and the source of all that is strong, beautiful and kind in women’s hearts.


Naming our 3rd Necklace of our “Bolivian Goddess Collection” after this Goddess seemed almost too perfect, and you’ll know why after I introduce you not just to his beautiful handmade piece, but the woman who is part of today’s reveal. She is not only a Bolivian citizen born and raised in my hometown of Cochabamba, but I feel with all my heart that she is the embodiment of what Mama Kyla empowers us to be.


Meet one of the most beautiful bolivian women I know, Cuqui Villarroel gracing our cover today, here with her lovely little 6 year-old daughter, Mia.


Now, before we get into the meat of things, if you’re curious about the original “bolivian aguayo” that inspired the design and colors of this piece, let me share it with you right here:


On the bolivian national stage, Cuqui is known as a former professional volleyball player who has competed nationally and internationally many times in her career representing our country. She is also a former professional model, who has graced the covers of countless media outlets in Bolivia and South America.

But to me and those who know her more personally, Cuqui is an old friend, my former volleyball teammate, a smart and hardworking Professional in business, a kind Soul and someone who through the challenges she has overcome in life so far, inspires those who know her.


The following is not a summary of who Cuqui is. But it’s a handful of attitudes she has maintained throughout her life that I feel have made all the difference on who she is, who she continues to become, and all she has and will continue to accomplish. These attitudes are not unique to her, but whether she knows it or not, living these attitudes (almost instinctively!) make her a wonderful and relatable reminder of why they will always serve us well in our individual journeys of expansion.


I’ve simply called them “5 powerful ways to become more who you were born to be”. 


1FearlessnessWe’re all born fearless, knowing that we’re meant to thrive. But it’s something that by the age of 3 we begin to unlearn quickly, as we observe the attitudes of the adults around us. Later on in life, fearlessness becomes more a “feeling place” where despite the fear we feel (about taking a specific action or facing certain circumstances), our faith in the positive outcome (that IS also a possibility) is simply more powerful in us.


This is the kind of fearlessness that Cuqui has had her whole life.  Becoming a volleyball player and a model, were in her case not something she did out of fun like most girls. As a true tomboy and taller than anybody she knew, the idea of wearing heels was hell, and despite her height, she was terrified of playing in a team-setting with a hard (and fast!) ball coming right at her. She chose to try these activities to overcome her shyness and her tomboy ways, and to expand her circle of friends. As a result, her expansion turned her into one of the top athletes in bolivian modern history and one of the most sought after models as well.


Later in her life, she moved to a new country, the US, all by herself, perfected her english and put herself in the position of having to compete for the same jobs that many other americans were applying for. Despite it being terribly scary, she did it anyway for the “possibility” of a future that continued to match her dreams. Those of you who have been through something similar will understand the frightening nature of becoming a citizen in a new country. Things like buying a new house, a car, building new relationships from zero without your family close by is frightening, because everything is so different from what we know. It’s not easy, and even more-so when you’re doing it alone.  But several years later, I can tell you that  she achieved all these things and more.

2ReInventionExpansion as human beings also happens when we’re willing to re-invite ourselves for the purpose of closing the gap between who we currently are and the life we have, and who we want to be and the life we desire, regardless of what people think.  Re-invention is not easy, and yet every day millions of people do just that. They change careers, they change attitudes, they change lifestyles for a more fulfilling and happy life, which is the point of living after all. Isn’t it? 


For Cuqui, re-invention has happened many times in different ways. Her latest iteration has been in the career front. Going from being a business woman with enormous potential and opportunity in leadership and management roles, to returning back to school, getting certified and becoming an elementary and high-school Spanish Teacher in the public system.

Why? I asked her.

“Time. Time for my daughter is more important and precious than money and professional recognition. My little girl means everything to me. And nothing is more important than being present as she goes through her own life experiences and challenges, always ready to re-affirm how lovely, kind, and good she is, especially when the world will try to insert doubt in her. This is why.”


And this perfect answer takes us perfectly to our 3rd point.


Nothing is more powerful. And I say this not from a naive and romantic point of view. I say this from a place of KNOWING this to be true. Literally and figuratively.  As someone who has witnessed love curing so called “incurable” diseases, I stand as a firm believer in its all mighty power.  And when our choices and goals are guided and driven by love, everything is possible.  Fearlessness to go out of our comfort zone and re-invent ourselves, to be and do who and what our heart desires, can only happen from a place of unconditional love.  Love for the self, love for our loved ones, and love for humanity as a whole.


And in that regard I doubt there is any love more powerful than the love of a mother for her child.  Cuqui’s boldest choices in life were driven by her love for Mia. Her sweet little angel. She is once again not alone in this. Countless mothers get up every day for the sole purpose of creating a better life for their children. Working hard to create the conditions of a stable and happy family home. And most importantly, to let their child know that they are loved unconditionally, in hopes that in that knowing the child will also love him/herself and others unconditionally.

4InnerBeautyCuqui happens to be a very beautiful woman by all society’s standards.  But I truly believe that what makes her stand out is not her height or her gorgeous physicality, but in fact her “aura”, her vibes so to speak. This is not a “woo woo” thing to say.  Many people have been described in history as having a “powerful presence”, or what I like to call an “aura”. This is absolutely true for Cuqui.


The more you know her, the more beautiful she becomes.  It’s remarkable that her competitive life experiences have never changed her kindness, humbleness and loving demeanor. As you enjoy a lovely conversation with her, you’ll notice that she easily recognizes and emphasizes attributes, strengths and beauty in others. She compliments often and genuinely. Not just people she loves and cares about, but others who have not always been too kind to her.


Inner beauty is the intentional act of nurturing who we really are.  Of looking for the best in others, of trusting that some good will come out from even the harshest circumstances. When you proactively practice this natural state, life is more beautiful. You are more beautiful. And you end-up surrounded by people who truly see that in you. Cuqui may not have hundreds of close friends. But those she calls “friends” are her family.



5FaithWhat is “faith”? 

Faith is TRUST, faith is BELIEVING in that which has not been manifested physically, yet.  Change happens because of faith. Expansion, progress, evolution is the result of it.  Nothing new can “become” without faith first and action second.  Someone had to first believe that a cure could be found for an illness, before taking action to make it happen.  Faith is a choice, but it’s also part of our DNA. It’s something that calls us to it, and that we choose to answer to, or not.  The older we get and the more information and life experiences we accumulate, the harder it is to exercise. At the same time it becomes easier to become cynical about humanity. But it’s still a choice we make every day. A choice of “what evidence do I choose to focus on”. . . the evidence of the few that exemplefy the EVIL of humanity or the many who are proof of the GOOD in us all?


As with anything, faith comes more easily to those who practice the attitude of faith, which is based on an underlaying (and fundamental!) belief that despite the horrors of the world, people are good, they mean good and want goodness not just for themselves but everyone.  Faith is placing our bets in that knowing. And it’s powerful, because the stronger our faith is, the more possible everything will seem. Not just to ourselves, but to those that observe us, and this is how change towards good begins.


Cuqui’s many fearless choices in life were grounded on her own faith that good would come from it.  Did it always go well? Of course not. And that is not the goal here. Faith is not a guaranteed “path” towards achieving specific things that “we believe” are the right thing/people/situation for us. Faith is an attitude that WILL guarantee that no matter what the outcome is, we’ll reap its gifts. Because even the most painful circumstances come with equally positive gifts.

Cuqui’s life is not perfect by any means. No one’s is. It’s not free of new challenges nor worries and difficulties. Just ask her what it is like to be a mom and dad to her little girl. So today’s 5 keys to greater expansion are not a formula to achieving a perfect life.


It’s about creating a life journey that means something and is worth living. That aligns with who we really are.  And that journey will always come with new (sometimes friendly and sometimes quite unfriendly) challenges that will direct us to our next level of expansion as human beings.


As long as we are fearless, unafraid to re-invent ourselves, make choices from a place of unconditional love, nurture our inner beauty and have faith that no matter what, everything will be ok….only expansion will happen. 


If you’re reading this, thank you so much for participating in the reveal of this very special necklace and these simple 5 truths about all of us.  If you can relate to Cuqui’s perspective in life then I hope this post feels like a BIG HUG of “you’re doing amazing!”, and if not, maybe some of these 5 perspectives will remind you of how fearless and loving you truly are.

We’re not done yet! Our FINAL necklace will be revealed in two weeks!  What do you think? I’d love to read your comments below .


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