Your Style: Why knowing and having your own is more important than you think

Not too long ago, I watched a powerful documentary called “The Eye Has To Travel”.


If you haven’t seen it, it’s the life story of the legendary Fashion Editor Diana Veerland.  It  boldly reminded me of the importance of having a strong sense and trust in one’s unique perspective, no matter what we do for a living, but especially if one chooses to be an Artist.

The unconditional trust she had in her inner-vision not only transformed her life, but the whole world of fashion, by expanding the concepts of beauty, elegance, originality to include people from all races, cultures and sexual orientations.


(Below is the trailer of the movie, in case you’re curious!)


This very simple concept of trusting your own unique wants, desires, and vision weighted very heavy on me when I was deciding whether I really wanted to become a jewelry designer. Because I knew that to have a chance at being successful -based on my own definition of success-, I needed to be ok with trusting my skill, but most importantly, my unique VOICE in this journey.


There are hundreds of thousands of jewelry designers out there, but how much of it is forgettable and looks like everything else? How many designers can you actually recognize by just looking at one of their pieces? I knew that I had to find my own expression in jewelry and that I had to trust that there would be a segment of women who would resonate with it. You’d think it’s an easy thing to do. Trusting your “voice” that is.  And yet, every time something wonderful happened with VeruDesigns, it was exactly because I trusted that voice.  In the same token, the disappointments I’ve had can always be tracked down to my shying away from it. Always.


And so, I’ve come to know that part of being an Artist, is intentionally developing and growing a trusting relationship with your inner voice.  VeruDesigns depends on it, but what has been very interesting is realizing that this doesn’t apply only to Artists but to everybody, because in fact, every other aspect of my life (as a wife, friend, daughter, sister, neighbor, citizen, etc) also depends on this relationship with my inner-voice.


Now, to be sure we’re on the same page, when I say inner-voice, I’m referring to your true own unique perspective, thoughts and feelings about every aspect in your life and the world as you see it. Not the perspective that comes from what you hear, read or see from outside sources. It’s the knowing that comes from your heart, from “within”.  Some also call it the guidance of God, others refer to it as our Soul’s unique expression, and scientist like to call it your right-side brain awareness. Your gut or inner-knowing.


According to a 2013 study by several Neuro-Science Departments, including the University of Cambridge in the UK, there are several impactful actions we take that have a powerful effect in nurturing or weakening this inner-connection. And you won’t be surprised to know that all these actions have to do with exposing ourselves disproportionally to “outside” opinions and informations, in comparison to the actions we take to give airtime to our “inside” guidance.


The study showed that spending large amounts (of whatever free time we have) watching cable news, reality TV shows, soap operas, reading tabloids, and fashion magazines were among the top “disconnecting” actions women and young girls could take. While at the same time, “prayer” and the practice of meditation were among the most powerful actions with “connecting” effects. Science can now confirm that a purposeful silencing of the mind (which is what happens when we pray or meditate), creates a re-balancing of our bodies at a cellular level, and allows for our brains to actually process information that in a state of fear, anxiety or judgement it wasn’t able to.


But what does this all have to do with my jewelry, fashion and your OWN unique “style”?


The study also found that clothes and accessories are for most women some of the most accurate expressions of our own perception about our bodies and personalty.  Just like cars and gadgets are for most men. This is not news of course.


But here is what is interesting, the 200+ page study showed that women who made purchasing choices, particularly related to her body, such as perfumes, cosmetics, clothes and accessories for the purpose of feeling more like someone else, or to get the approval, admiration, jealousy, or attention of others, were overwhelmingly more volatile, insecure and unsure of themselves, needy, fearful, pre-disposed to judge things and people that were different, less likely to acquire higher education, most likely to have dependent relationships, and struggled with making decisions in life on their own.


On the other hand, women who had a strong sense of their own true and unique likes and tastes,were dramatically more creative, resourceful, naturally predisposed towards seeing the positive in most situations, artistic, interested and interesting, open-minded, thoughtful, most likely to acquire higher education, much more likely to start their own businesses or reach leadership positions in their endeavors.


Is this study saying that by buying original-looking clothes and jewelry you will become the next and First female president of the United States? No.

But, it does say that our day-to-day routine choices, especially those that concern our body, your personal space, are an indicator of how connected we are to your inner-voice. To the place where all your power resides. It’s an indicator, not the source, but nevertheless a very meaningful indicator that we can learn from.


Is this study saying that you need to rid yourself from all media (TV, internet, magazines, etc)? No. The world and information are meant to inspire us, but not meant to CONSUME us. Moderation is the keyword.


I decided to write this post, as much for you as for me. There were times when I was filled with doubt about the value and meaning of what I do. Especially because it falls partly within and industry (fashion) that has grown on the shoulders of women’s insecurities. There are times when I’ve wondered if what I do only contributes to the problem of meaningless spending. But then I remember not only what I do, but WHY I do it, and designers like Diane Vreeland, Coco Chanel and the fabulous Iris Apfel come to mind (among many others!), and remember, that there is a beautiful side (and power!) to personal style and fashion. 


So, tell me in the comments section below:

  • Do you believe you have a unique style?
  • What defines it?
  • What about it is uniquely you?


Don’t ever be afraid show your uniqueness, and if VeruDesigns can help you express it, then I’m here to be at your service.


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