3 FREE Lifetime VeruDesigns Gifts, You Don’t Know About


Providing an outstanding customer service and lifetime guarantee (that assures the longevity and beauty of any jewelry Art that you purchase), are two major differentiators here at VeruDesigns, especially when you compare us to any other custom jewelry business.


And so, it doesn’t come as a surprise that our most loyal repeat clients are the beautiful women who have embraced to the fullest, both, our customer service and our 100% lifetime Guarantee.

For those of you who own a VeruDesigns Jewelry piece and haven’t taken advantage of your guarantee, and those of you who are considering purchasing a VeruDesigns piece, this is what our Guarantee actually means and covers:


What it means:

” If you don’t absolutely LOVE IT, or if you aren’t satisfied for any reason (or no reason at all), just send me an e-mail, ship the jewelry piece back to me, and I’ll send you a refund right away. You have absolutely nothing to lose because all the risk is on me!” 


What it covers: Besides being able to return your brand new jewelry anytime within the first 5 days after you’ve received your jewelry with no questions asked, it also covers:


1) Restoration: If your jewelry piece brakes for any reason, and no matter the scope of the damage (this can happen in occasion as your “clay” jewelry isn’t as tough as metals or stones), all you have to do is e-mail me directly at Veruschka@VeruDesigns.com, ship it to me anytime, and you’ll get it 100% restored within a week (completely for FREE!).


—> A client of ours recently shipped a beautiful necklace that was chewed by her dog. Fortunately the damage was completely reversed. 




This work alone, that you get completely FREE for a lifetime and as many times as you need and want, is normally worth in the industry between $100 to $600 each time.

And of course, it’s always INCREDIBLY REWARDING hearing back from our client after they’ve received their beautifully restored piece:

You are the best, Veruschka. I am so happy I met you and your art. It looks better than ever! I can’t believe it.

Thank you so much,

Love, Sheila 


2) Full replacement: In the event that something much more drastic happens, your guarantee also includes having your piece fully replaced with a brand-new, 100% handmade and one-of-a-kind piece of equal or superior beauty and quality (it will be similar but not equal. No piece can be replicated a 100% because they are all unique).

So far, this has never happened. However your guarantee includes this extreme scenario.


3) Adjustments: Even though all our pieces are designed based on standard dimensions established by the industry, you can always have your pieces adjusted to fit you even more perfectly. You can also request specific changes.

—–> Last week, one of our clients asked if we could change the collar/string of her necklace from a hot pink leather string to a hot pink cotton lace.


All 3 cases are included in your lifetime guarantee. The only thing you do is pay for shipping.



We recently began offering a new service that was born out of repeated requests, primarily from our VIP clients who kept asking if we could restore or fix “other” jewelry pieces that were NOT VeruDesigns creations. This is how the concept of RE-INCARANTION was born.


This service is not part of your guarantee, but it is a new service of our business that keeps growing every week!

It’s important to clarify that we don’t really fix or “restore” other jewelry to their original form, but instead, we use our VeruDesigns key material (our “clay”), to re-imagine your old broken jewelry pieces in a completely new way, with a VeruDesigns touch. This is why re-incarnation is a much better description for what we do.


—–> Our most recent case, was one where one of our VIP clients asked me if I could somehow bring to life an old set of pearls ( earrings and pendant), that had been broken for a while. What we did is re-imagine her pearls in the context of “where they come from”. This is how the new re-imagined idea of the “oyster and the pearls” came to be:




Arielle Ford, is not only one of our VIP clients, she is also a world-renowned best-selling author and speaker!


Make sure to take advantage of your lifetime guarantee (it’s part of your purchase!)

My goal is not to just sell my jewelry. I want to make sure you love it for the long run.


Also, feel free to reach out anytime if you would like to see an of your old broken but beloved jewelry pieces coming to life again!


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