
We’d LOVE to host a jewelry making or Art making workshop for your organization anytime! Our workshops are tailored to your audience (age groups, level of experience, time availability and your budget of course!).

  • How long is a workshop? We have hosted short (but super fun!) 2-hour workshops, as well as, 1/2 a day, a full day, and 2-full day workshops.

Our workshops come with most of the necessary tools and materials included. But this is something that will vary based on your needs.



If you are interested in having Veruschka host a workshop for you, this is how it works:

  • Contact us via e-mail at Veruschka[at]
  • Ask away! Don’t be afraid to ask questions. How much would it cost? What is required? Or anything else!
  • If you’re comfortable sharing your budget, let me know. I’m eager to make it work for you and us!


 Here are only a few past examples of some of our jewelry-making workshops.

Jewelry Workshop - Kids edition!

We'd LOVE to host a jewelry making or Art making workshop for your organization anytime! Our workshops are tailored to your audience (age groups, level of experience, time availability and your budget of course!).

  • How long is a workshop? We have hosted short (but super fun!) 2-hour workshops, as well as, 1/2 a day, a full day, and 2-full day workshops.
Our workshops come with most of the necessary tools and materials included. But this is something that will vary based on your needs.

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Our Amazing Drexel Jewelry Workshop

We'd LOVE to host a jewelry making or Art making workshop for your organization anytime! Our workshops are tailored to your audience (age groups, level of experience, time availability and your budget of course!).

  • How long is a workshop? We have hosted short (but super fun!) 2-hour workshops, as well as, 1/2 a day, a full day, and 2-full day workshops.
Our workshops come with most of the necessary tools and materials included. But this is something that will vary based on your needs.

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VIDEO - The Philadelphia WEST ELM Event

We'd LOVE to host a jewelry making or Art making workshop for your organization anytime! Our workshops are tailored to your audience (age groups, level of experience, time availability and your budget of course!).

  • How long is a workshop? We have hosted short (but super fun!) 2-hour workshops, as well as, 1/2 a day, a full day, and 2-full day workshops.
Our workshops come with most of the necessary tools and materials included. But this is something that will vary based on your needs.

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