Bolivian Summer – Earrings and Inspiration

Happy Tuesday beautiful!

Summer is finally here and besides being THRILLED to reveal a sample of my newest statement earrings collection, I’m equally excited to introduce you to a beautiful creative entrepreneur who also happens to be a fellow Bolivian woman that embodies so much of what I ADORE in women:  Creativity, kindness, intelligence, open mindness, positivism, a go-getter attitude, a believer in the best in people, BEAUTY, confidence, vulnerability, strength, infinite curiosity, a world traveler, free-spirit and SO much more.

Can you blame me for wanting her to be part of this reveal?


Meet my friend, Natalia Franulic. Co-Founder and CMO of Condimente Gourmet. A health and morally conscious food small business, aiming at supporting our health and the local economy of conscious farmers and producers through the production and sale of cumin-based condiments, super healthy soups (locally and always fresh made), collagen-infused juices and much more.

Why am I telling you all this (if this is a jewelry blog)?

My mission as an art jewelry designer is (of course!) to create beautifully unique, bold and empowering jewelry pieces that stay loyal to a woman’s unique spirit. However, over time my blog has become a way of not only sharing my art, but also shine a light on the very women I’m creating my jewelry for. Women who are doing AMAZING things that are having a positive impact in the world.


This is becoming more and more important to me, not only as a woman, but also as an artist and entrepreneur. With so much negativity in the news, I believe it is our duty as citizens of our cities and countries to spread awareness of the good in this world. Particularly when positive impact is lead by our fellow women. This is our time for coming together.


My friend Natalia is one of these women. A beautiful and spiritual believer in life and love. Despite loosing both of her parents at a young age, she never stopped believing in her dreams and has always had an unbelievable bravery to follow her hearts desires. This translated into crafting a life that allowed her to travel to most parts of the world, living and working in different cities and industries, meeting and connecting with fellow creatives, developing new skills and passions, and ultimately becoming a self-made young woman with the experience and knowing needed to establish Condimente Gourmet alongside her business partner Eli O Ohanian.


I could not think of anyone else more perfect to reveal this sample of my new statement earrings collection called “BOLIVIAN SUMMER”.


Color and size dominated the designs for each pair. But the main color schemes stayed very loyal to my main inspiration: Bolivian Frazadas. Beautifully colorful rugs and blankets made by hand by indigenous women in the Andes mountain ranges of western Bolivia.


Media Luna – Earrings # 1

Even though all three samples are statement pieces, the first pair called “media luna”, is slightly smaller than the next two.

Full of texture (meant to imitate the knotting style of bolivian frazadas), they’re also incredibly light and fun to wear. Pair that with a beautiful smile and an empowering attitude, and you’re ready for a fabulous day.

Campana – Earrings #2

Talk about a statement piece! These are not just for any woman though.

You must know your own inner beauty to match their boldness.


Gotas – Earrings # 3

These are both, bold yet slightly more subtle than the other two. The dark navy blue balances the composition of colors and size. And most importantly, it doesn’t overwhelm the main attraction: YOU.


To learn more about Nati’s work and business visit her facebook page HERE.


If you know of any woman who is doing something worth sharing, I hope this encourages you to loud her works. The world needs it. If you’d like, please share her website, facebook page or instagram account in the comments section below.



Stay well, stay happy and stay healthy. I’ll be in touch in a month!

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